technical debtThink of technical debt as the interest you pay on a loan you never intended to take. As your system grows, those hasty decisions can cost you in the long run. Here’s how to address it:

• Identify and Prioritize. Focus on the most critical issues that will drive the most value first.

• Integrate Debt Management into Your Workflow. Maintain a balance between new development and debt reduction.

• Educate and Train Your Team. Foster a culture of quality thinking.

• Improve Documentation. It provides a reference for current and future team members.• Regularly Update and Refactor Systems. This involves making small, manageable changes for quality.

• Optimize Security Practices. Helps maintain system reliability and performance.

• Manage Dependencies. Tracking ensures compatibility and security.

• Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement. Encourage learning, celebrating successes, and regular reflection to drive ongoing enhancement.